JEC Composites Magazine is the point of contact of the international Composites Community, 6 times a year, with topics covering scientific information, business, technology, manufacturing, and application sectors trends.
In each and every issue, readers will learn about the entire composites industry value chain (from raw materials to application markets), and be inspired with current and future innovations.
The six sections of the magazine consist in:
- NEWS: with interviews, articles about business development (M&As, appointments, partnerships and collaborations, awards etc.).
- BUSINESS: with articles covering trends and markets, focusing on a specific country or region, with the composites market, or the application markets, or the companies strategies etc. in that country or region, and a startup focus.
- MANUFACTURING: with articles about production processes and processing equipment.
- FEATURE: an in-depth overview of a specific topic (typically an application sector), plus a JEC World Preview in April/May and Review in June/July.
- SOLUTIONS: composites around us, with articles showing how composite materials are being used in applications which impact our everyday lives.
- TECHNOLOGY: with articles about developments in materials, testing and control, repair, joining, design and simulation, recycling and reuse, R&D.
Enjoy your reading!
Creativity reigns
JEC’s 2010 Innovation Programme illustrates the dynamism of some of the composite industry’s companies. A close look at the candidates’ submittals astonishes by the sheer number and quality of the...
Creativity reigns
JEC’s 2010 Innovation Programme illustrates the dynamism of some of the composite industry’s companies. A close look at the candidates’ submittals astonishes by the sheer number and quality of the...
Focus: About FiMaLin
Created in March 2009, the Association comprises the companies Dehondt Groupe®, Arkema, Clextral, Dedienne Multiplasturgy® Group and Terre de Lin, as well as the Institut technique du lin (Technical...
A pole of reference for the development of technical flax
In a context where the environment and sustainable development are all the rage, it is the raw materials that offer natural benefits that stand every chance of making headway. FiMaLin was born out of...
Inauguration of the Duqueine Site -Airbus A350 XWB Duqueine Rhône-Alpes is officially inaugurating its new design and manufacturing site for structural composite parts for the Airbus A350 XWB. Based...
Positive forecast for the carbon-fibre market
After the storm of the financial crisis, the market for carbon fibre should pick up again. Carbon fibre is in demand in a large number of segments – notably the industrial market – and the...
Multi-Sector High-performance carbon fibre
> Stand G40 Tairyfil is the PAN-based carbon fibre manufactured by the Tairylan Division of Formosa Plastics Corporation (FPC). FPC recently developed two upgraded carbon fibres – TC36S and TC42S –...
Multi-Sector Spread tow carbon reinforcements
> Stand T23 Oxeon is a leading provider of STF (spread tow fabric) carbon reinforcements. Its innovative, patented technologies are used to produce the TeXtreme® thin, lightweight woven fabrics and...
Carbon fibre Precursor and carbon fibre lines
> Stand P25 Fleissner is a manufacturer of machinery and systems for the chemical fibre industry. Based on vast experience gained through the supply of more than 350 fibre lines, Fleissner created a...
Multi-Sector New carbon preforms and yarn type
> Stand G58 Tenax® Net Shape Carbon Fibre Preforms The preforming process using standard textile forms of either fabric or NCF’s, which are cut and hand laid to construct a preform for moulding of...
EHS Manager : a professional’s point of view
In our previous issue, we discussed the RHS1 Manager from a general point of view, in an article entitled: "RHS Manager: for everyone’s benefit". Here we discuss with a professional of EHS2 the know-...
JEC Composites Show Paris 2010: Richard Morrison Guest of Honor
Richard Morrison is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Molded Fiber Glass Companies. Privately owned and managed by the Morrison family, MFG has grown to include strategically focused...
JEC End-users Conferences & Forums Recycling & LCM Forum Recycling as part of an integrated Life Cycle Management (LCM)
Moderator: The University of Nottingham - Stephen Pickering, Ass. Professor Reader: Division of Materials, Mechanics and Structures Recycling processes and applications for using carbon fibre...
Discover the 2010 winners and finalists
Press partners Official partner Platinum sponsor ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLING Winner: 3XN architects (Denmark) Core partners: StageOne Freeform Composites (United Kingdom), Cowi Engineering (Denmark),...
Partnership network: Artengo / Decathlon (Oxylane group) (France); Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland); LRPMN d'Alencon (Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Propriétés des Matériaux Nouveaux)...
Winner: Advanced Fiber Materials Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) Partnership network: OCV Reinforcements (China); Shandong Shuangyi Group Co., Ltd. (China) Name: Han-3D-Fabrics and Han-3D-Composites....
Winner: Corima S.A. (France) Partnership network: Hexcel Composites (France); Evonik (Germany) Name: Carbon wheel for the road bicycle market. This CORIMA AERO+ MCC is a 100%-carbon wheel produced...
Winner: Lomold Pty Ltd. (South Africa) Partnership network: Chuan Lih Fa Machinery Works Co. Ltd. (Taiwan); KHS Consulting cc (South Africa); Addcomp Holland BV (NL) Name: Lomold developed a new Long...
Winner: LTP (France) Partnership network: Groupe Depestele - Teillage Vandecandelaère (France); ACT ENER (France); UMS CNRT Caen/Université Le Havre (Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes) Name: Wind...
Winner: D'Appolonia S.p.A. (Italy) Partnership network: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Germany), Selcom Multiaxial Technology (Italy), Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (Germany), KARL MAYER...
The composite material industry in Italy:
The use of structural composite materials has expanded in almost every engineering application sector over the past 25 years, due to the fact that they are lightweight, rigid, strong, easy to shape,...
Building & Consturction Composite seismic wallpaper
> Stand T33 Selcom Multiaxial Technology, located near Venice, Italy, produces uni-,bi- and multiaxial reinforcements (NCF) in glass, carbon, aramid and other high-tech fibres for the advanced...
Innovative bio-based composites for automotive applications
Cimteclab S.p.A. has developed innovative bio-based composites using jute fibres as reinforcement and a cardanol-based thermosetting resin as the matrix. The use of a matrix derived from a natural...
On board with CMS Industries: BMW Oracle Racing wins the 33rd America’s Cup
Since CMS Industries announced its sponsorship collaboration as official supplier for BMW Oracle Racing, the sailing team has won the 33rd America’s Cup. On 14 February 2010 in Valencia, the team...
Lamellar filament winding
VEM has developed an innovative lamellar filament winding machine for manufacturing small diameter GRP/GRE pipes. Known as the Lamellar Machine, this equipment is a fine sample of the cutting edge...
Overview of the US pavilion
The U.S. Commercial Service’s core mission is to help U.S. small- and medium-sized companies, to identify French business partners, and to assist in defining export strategies. It also helps French...
Aerospace Utah’s advanced composite industry continues growth
> Stand F43I Utah will showcase its historical and current presence in the advanced composite industry at JEC, the largest composites exhibition in Europe. Utah has one of the highest concentrations...
Aerospace NASA’s Michoud assembly facility
> Stand F43C NCAM fibre placement machine at NASA’s Michoud assembly facility in New Orleans The NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans provides vital support to its exploration and...
Multi-Sector Compression moulding presses
> Stand G43C Wabash MPI is a leading manufacturer of standard and custom compression moulding presses for composite moulding, laminating, rubber moulding and other processing applications. The presses...
Carbo fibre Carbon fibre oxidation systems
> Stand G43D C. A. Litzler Co., Inc. is presenting oxidation oven systems using an exclusive cross-flow oven technology that incorporates the patented End-Seal system. Their alternating cross-flow...
Aeronautics “Plug & play” autoclaves
> Stand F43H ASC Process Systems, the largest manufacturer of autoclaves in North America, is now certified to construct autoclave pressure vessels for operation within the People’s Republic of China....
Research & Development Multi-Sector University of Delaware’s Center for Composite Materials (CCM)
> Stand G43B Founded in 1974 within the University of Delaware's College of Engineering, the Center for Composite Materials (CCM) is an internationally recognized, interdisciplinary centre of...
Multi-Sector Styrene vapour suppressant additive and mould releases
> Stand F43B Specialty Products Co. introduces Styrid® No-Solv, a solvent-free styrene vapour suppressant additive that also promotes interlaminar bonding. The soft solid is melted and added as a...
Multi-Sector New CNC router system
> Stand F43F Thermwood has introduced a new CNC router system, the CBX-520. The working envelope of this new 5-axis machine is 20 metres for X axis travel , 5 metres for the Y axis and 2 metres for...
Multi-Sector Phenoxy binder yarns and nonwovens
> Stand G43A InChem is a manufacturer and marketer of specialty phenoxy polymers – linear long chain high molecular weight polyhydroxyethers. These products are used mainly in applications where...
Multi-Sector Thermoplastic prepreg fabrics
> Stand F43D Lingol Corporation will showcase its new thermoplastic prepreg fabrics, made with several different thermoplastic resins, including PA6, PPS, PET, PEI and others. Fabrics currently...
Applying automation to the fabrication of composite-based aerospace parts
Aircraft and rotorcraft parts made from high-performance composite materials are superior to earlier generation metals due to their increased strength, reduced weight, and increased service life. For...
Feature Automation: Main trends at JEC Composites Show Paris 2010
ATL, AFP and use of thermoplastics will be one of the main highlights of Automation at JEC Composites Show Paris 2010. Automotive Fiberforge involved in a collaboration to develop thermoplastic...
Aeronautics The flexible fibre placement machine takes development a step further
> Stand F51 The Ingersoll FP V Mongoose is currently in full production at WAN/Sonaca (Belgium), largely exceeding engineers’ expectations. It is used in the processing of UD thermosetting and...
Multi-sector Head for thermoplastics for filament winding machines
> Stand M75 Mikrosam has developed a special filament winding machine head for rovings impregnated with thermoplastic resins in various formats. Thermoplastics are used more and more as a matrix in...
Multi-sector One-step production of FRPC hollow hat profiles
> Stand D32 Though a double-belt press is an efficient tool for the continuous production of plane FRPC structures, a continuous compression moulding press can extend the production range beyond plane...
Aeronautics New improvements in ATL and AFP systems
> Stand P63 Forest-Liné provides a continuously expanding range of solutions for the production of fibre/resin composites, including: - ATL (automatic tape laying) systems for both flat and contoured...
Aerospace CNC machines for composite part cutting
> Stand L65 Créneau’s policy is to create an end-user/manufacturer dialog to achieve a real synergy and design an optimum machine solution. Since its creation 32 years ago, the company has chosen to...
Multi-sector Steel belt developments drive new applications
> Stand S78 At the JEC show, Sandvik Process Systems will highlight the advantages of its double-belt presses, including the productivity benefits of continuous processing over static methods, high...
Glass-filament twisting
Filament twisting is used in composite applications for various purposes, e.g. protection twist in downstream processes, or to produce hybrid yarns combining different yarn materials for high-...
Laser-assisted thermoplastic tape laying
Laser-assisted tape laying has the potential to become the most productive and energy-efficient method for automated lay-up of continuous carbon fibre-reinforced thermoplastic prepregs in the...
Continuous impregnation of carbon-fibre rovings
Continuous manufacturing processes like filament winding, pultrusion, and prepregging represent more than 30% of total composites manufacturing worldwide. All these processes share a key common...
Chariot SS kk aa tt ee ss
With his skating, cycling and skiing experience, Michael Jenkin from Adelaide, Australia, realized that a skate with a large wheel could incorporate the dynamic benefits of all three genres. Using his...
TT hh ee PPee uu gg ee oo tt SR1 concept
The Peugeot SR1 reflects the brand's latest trends in style for its future models. The concept car embodies Peugeot’s new world in the same way as the new Lion adorning the bodywork. Elegant, pure,...
French pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010
Designed by Jacques Ferrier Architects, the French pavilion stands out by its unique geometry and prominence that fills the entire site allotted. It embraces a Cartesian approach through a latticed...
Intelligent composite “seismic wallpaper”
Following the L’Aquila earthquake, a research team coordinated by Italian engineering consulting company D’appolonia redoubled their efforts to design protection solutions for buildings exposed to...
A balsa-cored bridge deck installed in Louisiana
While Baltek® end-grain balsa has already been used in other commercial and military road and bridge deck projects, this installation is believed to be the very first balsa-cored composite deck...
A scale 1:1 tennis racquet model
In late 2007, CRP Technology took part in a major initiative together with Prince Sports, a leading company in the sports sector and more specifically in the world of tennis. Rapid manufacturing was...
Mastering simulation methods and tools for composite design
There is an urgent need to better understand and predict the strength and life of composite materials and structures. JEC and Stanford University teamed up to provide a micromechanics-based simulation...
Practical use of Graphistrength® CNT concentrates in composites
Carbon nanotubes can be used to reinforce composite materials and provide electrical conductivity. Typical carbon nanotube loadings range from 0.2 to 1 wt%, which makes them a highly competitive...
Moving towards industrial-scale high-tech applications
Material scientists are very excited about the potential applications of carbon nanotubes, which include super-light composites with excellent mechanical strength for vehicle parts, cooling elements...
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